Refund and Return Policy

These Terms govern the use of and any other agreement or legal relationship with the Owner, in a binding manner.
Capitalized expressions are defined in the corresponding section of this document.
Please read this document carefully.
The person responsible for it is:
Via Soardi 5
47921 Rimini (RN)
E-mail address of the Owner:

Terms of Use
Unless otherwise specified, the terms of use of set out in this section have general validity.
Additional terms of use or access applicable in particular situations are expressly set out in this document.
Using the User declares to meet the following requirements:
Content on
Unless otherwise specified or clearly recognizable, all content available on they are owned by or provided by the Owner or its licensors.
The Owner takes the utmost care to ensure that the content available on does not violate applicable law or third party rights. However, it is not always possible to achieve such a result.
In such cases, without prejudice to the rights and claims legally enforceable, Users are requested to forward the related complaints through the addresses specified in this document.
Access to external resources
Through users may have access to resources provided by third parties. Users acknowledge and accept that the Owner has no control over these resources and therefore is not responsible for their content and availability.
The conditions applicable to resources provided by third parties, including those applicable to any grant of rights to content, are determined by the third parties and governed by the relevant terms and conditions or, in their absence, by law.
Permitted use and the Service may only be used for the purposes for which they are offered, under these Terms and under applicable law.
It is the sole responsibility of the User to ensure that the use of and / or the Service does not violate the law, regulations or the rights of third parties.
Common provisions
No implied waiver.
The Data Controller’s failure to exercise legal rights or claims deriving from these Terms does not constitute a waiver of the same. No waiver may be deemed final in relation to a specific right or any other right.
Interruption of Service
To ensure the best possible level of service, the Owner reserves the right to interrupt the Service for maintenance purposes, system updates or for any other modification, giving appropriate notice to Users.
Within the limits of the law, the Owner reserves the right to suspend or completely terminate the Service. In case of termination of the Service, the Data Controller will ensure that Users can extract their Personal Data and information according to the provisions of the law.
In addition, the Service may not be available for reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Owner, such as force majeure (e.g. strikes, infrastructure malfunctions, blackouts, etc. ).
Resale of the Service
Users are not allowed to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit or the Service in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Owner, expressed directly or through a legitimate resale program.
Intellectual Property
Without prejudice to any more specific provision contained in the Terms, intellectual and industrial property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, patents and models relating to they are held exclusively by the Owner or its licensors and are protected under the laws and international treaties applicable to intellectual property.
All trademarks – word or figurative-and any other distinctive sign, company, service mark, illustration, image or logo appearing in connection with they are and remain the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and are protected under the laws and international treaties applicable to intellectual property.
Changes to Terms
The Owner reserves the right to change the Terms at any time. In this case, the Owner will give appropriate notice of the changes to Users.
The changes will affect the relationship with the User only for the future.
Your continued use of the Service implies your acceptance of the updated Terms. If you do not wish to accept the changes, you must cease using the Service. Failure to agree to the updated Terms may result in each party being entitled to withdraw from the Agreement.
The applicable previous version continues to govern the relationship until the User accepts it. This version may be requested from the Owner.
Assignment of the contract
The Owner reserves the right to transfer, assign, dispose of, novate or contract individual or all rights and obligations under these Terms, having regard to the legitimate interests of Users.
The provisions relating to the modification of these Terms apply.
The User is not authorized to assign or transfer his rights and obligations under the Terms without the written consent of the Owner.
All communications relating to the use of they must be sent to the addresses indicated in this document.
Safeguard clause
Should any provision of these Terms be or become void or ineffective under applicable law, the nullity or ineffectiveness of such provision does not result in the ineffectiveness of the remaining provisions, which therefore remain valid and effective.
The applicable previous version continues to govern the relationship until the User accepts it. This version may be requested from the Owner.
Golinucci Organic online Terms and Conditions
Users who use the services offered by Golinucci Organic online declare to know and accept these general conditions of contract.
About Golinucci Organic online
It is an e-commerce site of organic seeds, owned by the company Golinucci Organic Srl Unipersonale.
User Provided Content
Users are responsible for their own and third-party content that they share in the appropriate sections of this site, by uploading them, inserting content or by any other means. Users indemnify the Owner from any liability in relation to the illegal dissemination of third-party content or the use of Golinucci Organic online, in ways contrary to the law.
The Owner does not moderate the content published by the User or by third parties, but undertakes to intervene in the face of User reports or orders issued by public authorities in relation to content considered offensive or illegal.
Rights to content provided by Users
The only rights granted to the Owner in relation to the content provided by Users are those necessary for the operation and maintenance of Golinucci Organic online.
Content provided by third parties
The Owner does not make any prior moderation on the content or links provided by third parties shown on Golinucci Organic online. The Owner is not responsible for such contents and their accessibility.
In order to use the service or part of it, registration is required by the User providing, in a truthful and complete manner, all the data requested in the relevant registration form and fully accepting the Privacy Policy e The User has the responsibility to keep his / her access credentials.
Purchase procedure
Each order placed by the User constitutes an offer to purchase the products. Orders are subject to availability and discretionary acceptance by the Owner.
To complete the online purchase procedure, the User must select the products and complete the check-out, after carefully checking the information contained in the order summary. The order is made by confirming the same and is subject to payment of the price, taxes and shipping and payment costs indicated in the Order Summary form.
The Order Processing Receipt does not constitute acceptance of the order. The conclusion of the contract takes place at the time of sending the Order Confirmation by the Owner to the e-mail address provided by the User.
The Owner reserves the right not to confirm an order, notifying the User within 5 working days of placing the order, to the e-mail address associated with his purchase, the possible unavailability of one or more of the products purchased. In this case, the Owner will refund the price of the products and, if all the products purchased are not available, the shipping costs incurred by the User.
Users are required to register on Golinucci Organic online by providing their personal data and shipping address. Shipping costs are not included and differ by reason of destination and volume. Prices are shown in Euros and include VAT.
Payment methods
The payment methods available to Users are described in the relevant pages of the site.
Golinucci Organic online uses third – party payment processing tools and does not in any way come into contact with payment data – such as credit card data-provided by the User.
For each order placed, if the Users have made an express request, ticking the appropriate box contained in the order submission form and have provided the necessary data (VAT or valid CF) at the time of registration of their Account, Golinucci Organic SRL issues an invoice for the material shipped, sending it by e-mail to the User in charge of the order. For the details reported at the time of issue of the invoice, the information provided by the User at the time of processing the order shall prevail. In fact, no change in the invoice will be possible at a later time after the issue of the same.
Availability of products
Prices, descriptions and availability of the products displayed are subject to change without notice. The photos inserted are adapted in relation to the display tool and for this reason are merely indicative of the appearance and size of the products, as they may differ partially from the images presented.
Even after sending the Order Confirmation e-mail, in the event of unavailability of some products due to non-supply by the producers and/or suppliers of the Owner or other causes not foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the order, the Owner will reimburse the User for the price of the products ordered and not available.
Execution of the Order
The Order is executed in the terms specified in the summary page and in the Order Confirmation e-mail, subject to the availability of the ordered product. The Owner cannot be held responsible for damages suffered by the User due to delays in delivery that are not dependent on circumstances foreseeable by the parties at the time of sending the Order Confirmation.
Deliveries are made during the usual working hours of the couriers in charge, to the address indicated by the User and in the manner specified in the order summary.
At the time of delivery of the goods by the courier, the User is required to check that the number of packages actually delivered corresponds to that indicated in the transport document and that the packaging of the packages is intact in all its parts, not damaged or compromised by atmospheric events or otherwise altered. Upon delivery, the User is also required to check the packaging by specifying any anomalies in the delivery form. If the User finds any obvious damage to the packaging and / or the products contained in it or the mismatch in the number of packages, he must immediately contest them, by placing a written check reserve (specifying the reason for the reserve, e.g. “laundry packaging”, “crushed packaging”, etc.) on the courier’s proof of delivery or promptly inform the Owner. Once the delivery note has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any dispute about the external characteristics of what was delivered. Any problems relating to the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported using the contact methods provided by the Owner.
In case of failure to collect within 5 working days of the material in storage at the courier’s warehouses due to repeated impossibility of delivery to the address indicated by the User at the time of the order, the products will be returned to the Owner, who, depending on the User’s will, will proceed to refund the price of the products (but not the shipping cost), or will make arrangements for the new fulfillment and the related additional shipping costs. The Owner cannot be held responsible for errors in delivery due to inaccuracies or incompleteness in the compilation of the purchase order by the User, for damage that may have occurred to the products after delivery to the carrier or for delays in delivery attributable to it. Unless otherwise indicated, Golinucci Organic online can only process orders with delivery within the European Community territory. However, delivery to any other location where phytosanitary documentation is required is excluded.
Right of withdrawal
In case of purchase of products or services on Golinucci Organic online, the User has the right to withdraw from the contract without indicating the reasons, within 14 days. The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the day on which the User or a third party – other than the carrier and designated by the User – acquires physical possession of the goods. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the User is required to inform the Owner of the decision to withdraw using the model declaration at the bottom of the document.
Effects of withdrawal
If the User withdraws from this agreement, he will be reimbursed for all payments made to the Owner, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs arising from the possible choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered) without undue delay and in any case not later than 14 days from the day on which the Owner is informed of the User’s decision to withdraw from this agreement. These refunds will be made using the same means of payment used by the User for the purchase. Where not possible, the User may agree on a different method of reimbursement. In any case, the User will not incur any costs as a result of this refund. The refund may be suspended until the receipt of the goods or until the prudent demonstration by the User that he has returned the goods, whichever is earlier.
The User is asked to return the goods and deliver them to the Owner without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the day on which he communicated the withdrawal from this contract. The deadline is met if the User returns the goods before the expiration of the 14-day period. The costs of returning the goods will be borne by the User. The User is only responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Restrictions on the right of withdrawal on products
Damaged or used products are not replaced or refunded, even in part. The User must insert inside the packaging box a copy of the order confirmation email.
The right of withdrawal does not apply: to goods made to measure or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, are likely to deteriorate rapidly (such as, for example, fresh food products), are sealed and do not lend themselves to be returned for hygienic reasons or are related to health protection and have been opened after delivery.
In particular, according to Article 47, paragraph 1, lett l) of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts for the supply of food, beverages or other household goods of current consumption supplied to the User’s home, place of residence or place of work, by regular distributors.
Withdrawal and termination of User Accounts
Registered Users can deactivate their Accounts, request their cancellation or stop using the Service at any time, through the Golinucci Organic online interface or by contacting the Owner directly.
The Owner, in case of violation of these Terms, reserves the right to suspend or terminate the User’s Account at any time and without prior notice.
The Owner reserves the unquestionable right to inhibit at any time and without prior notice access to Golinucci Organic online, in full or limited to certain features, the Accounts of Users for whom payment irregularities have been detected, non-payment, damage to the image via the Internet, obscene, vulgar or inappropriate language for comment and review functions, repeated and continuous attempts to order not concluded, computer attacks or any other activity, explicit or implicit, that may cause direct or indirect damage to the Owner.
The User undertakes to indemnify the Owner (and any companies controlled by the same or affiliated, its representatives, directors, agents, licensors, partners and employees), from any obligation or liability, including any legal costs incurred to defend themselves in court, that may arise against damages caused to other Users or third parties, in connection with the content uploaded online, violation of the terms of law or the terms of these terms of service.
Privacy Policy
For information on the use of personal data, Users should refer to Golinucci Organic online privacy policy.
All trademarks of the Owner, figurative or nominative, and all other signs, trade names, service marks, word marks, trade names, illustrations, images, logos that appear concerning Golinucci Organic and related companies, are and remain the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and are protected by the laws in force on trademarks and related international treaties.
Age requirements
Users declare that they are of legal age according to the legislation applicable to them. Minors may use Golinucci Organic online only with the assistance of a parent or guardian.
Limitations of Liability
The Data Controller, within the limits of applicable law, is liable for damages of a contractual and contractual nature to Users or third parties only when these constitute an immediate and direct consequence, for willful misconduct or gross negligence, of the activity of Golinucci Organic Srl unipersonale.
The User expressly exempts and relieves the Owner of the Application from any liability, to the extent permitted by applicable legislation, in relation to any damages or claims of any kind and type of its own and/or third parties including direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special damages, damages resulting from lost profits, lost revenues, loss of data or replacement costs arising from or otherwise connected with this agreement.
The Owner guarantees the correct preservation and quality of food products exclusively until the time of delivery to the place indicated by the User; any responsibility for the poor condition of the products due to improper storage after the time of delivery is excluded.
Changes to these Terms
The Owner reserves the right to make changes to these Terms at any time, giving notice to the User through its publication within Golinucci Organic online. The User who continues to use Golinucci Organic online after the publication of the changes, accepts the new Terms without reservation.
Assignment of the contract
The Owner reserves the right to transfer, assign, dispose by novation or subcontract all or some of the rights or obligations arising from these Terms, provided that the rights of the User provided herein are not affected.
You may not assign or transfer in any way your rights or obligations under these Terms without the written permission of the Owner.
All communications relating to Golinucci organic online must be sent using the contact information provided.
If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the said provision will be deleted and the remaining provisions will not be affected and will remain in effect.
Applicable law and Jurisdiction
These Terms and all disputes regarding the execution, interpretation and validity of this agreement are subject to the law, the jurisdiction of the State and the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of the place where the Owner is located. An exception is the exclusive court of the consumer, if the law so provides.
The natural or legal person using the Service.
Terms and Conditions (or Terms)
These general conditions of service, which constitute a legally binding agreement between the User and the Owner.
Receipt of Order processing
Indicates the email that the Owner sends at the time of receipt of the order.
Order Confirmation
Indicates the email that the Owner sends at the time the products are shipped confirming the shipment of all or part of the purchased products.
Sample withdrawal form
Addressed to the Owner [reporting the complete header]: I/we (*) hereby notify the withdrawal from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods/services: ( * ), Ordered the (*)/received the (*), Name of the consumer(s), Address of the consumer(s), Date.